Stevie - My 9th child
Fatherless at age 8, Type 1 Diabetes at 10
Stevie, having been an only child for her first 11 years, wasn't keen at all on the idea of sharing everything with a new sister but, once Emma arrived, Stevie became the best big sister Emma could ask for.
Common Questions and Comments
Stevie injecting insulin
3. Does it hurt? Yes and no. Today's insulin needles are so small that, in many cases, I can't even feel the needle going in. Even when I do feel it, the anticipation is far worse. The size of the needle is measured by it's gauge. When I donate blood at the Red Cross they use a 16 gauge needle and I can definitely feel that. Most insulin needles are 28 to 31 gauge which are smaller than a human hair which is why I seldom feel it. I do feel the lancet every time. It's a spring loaded needle designed to make you bleed so you can test your blood sugar. The spring is adjustable, however, so you can use the use the minimum amount of pressure necessary.

4. How do you get diabetes? It depends on whether you're talking about Type 1 or Type 2 diabetes. Type 1 diabetes, the kind children usually get, is totally random. You can't get it from someone else who has it. It's often associated with various childhood viruses but nobody knows why some children's immune systems recover from these normal childhood disease while others trigger diabetes. Type 2 diabetes, on the other hand, has a strong connection with being overweight. It used to be strictly an adult disease but even grade school age children are now getting Type 2 diabetes because our diets are so poor. Regardless of whether you're talking about Type 1 or Type 2 diabetes, a healthy diet and keeping your weight down is a good idea.

5. What kinds of things are you not able to do? Other than limiting their sugar intake, kids with diabetes can do anything and everything other kids do. Excluding them from any activity whatsoever is totally inappropriate and is a violation of the law. However, a glucose meter and testing strips, water, an emergency sugar snack, and a knowledgeable person should always be available, especially if it's a strenuous activity because blood sugar levels drop faster when you are physically active. Even events like birthdays and Halloween, which are loaded with sugar, are not off-limits. The key is moderation and monitoring. When Stevie attends a birthday party she may scrape the frosting off her cake and take extra insulin but she participates just like everyone else.
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1. I could never do that. I have a thing about needles. We hear this comment more than everything else put together. We all have a thing about needles but, if you're life depended on it, you'd get over it. Without insulin you would die in a matter of days.

2. Why do diabetics have to inject insulin instead of taking it orally? Insulin is destroyed by stomach acids. A new development is insulin which can be inhaled but, so far, it has not been approved for children because of the long term damage to the lungs.
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